Nolin Brashears

I'm sure you've noticed something's different huh, well I originally used the old theme because I had a whole bunch of cool ideas for it, but as I've progressed with my site I've just come to the realization that those ideas weren't going to pan out. So now, after all this time, I've decided to switch things up. This theme is something I personally modelled using a ray-tracing software from the 90s called POV-Ray (and a little help from Blender). The textures certainly aren't perfect, neither are the materials, but this was the final product of my first attempt at using it, so hopefully I'll only get better from here. I'll be working tirelessly to improve the overall look of the scene to get a more 90s feel and to get better at altering textures and materials. If you're interested in viewing that progress over time, stop by every now and then to check up ;)

My most recent post