August 18th, 2023

Free the Internet

Something I've been thinking about recently: why do I have to PAY to be able to make phonecalls? Why do I need to PAY in order to access the internet. Normally I would say this makes sense since I'm all for charging for services that aren't a necessity, but modern society, and even the government, have made internet access an absolute necessity. Disagree? Then why has the Biden-Harris Administration allocated $42.45 BILLION toward new high-speed internet infrastructure? Would they do that if it weren't an absolute necessity for Americans to have some form of internet connection? Definitely not. When the internet was in its early stages, the infrastructure was completely open and accessible to anyone with a terminal, because it was all government-owned. Thanks to the Clinton Administration though, the internet infrastructure was privatized, and thus, the internet became the world's largest neighborhood torn down to build the world's largest shopping mall. If we're allowed to have free and open source software, why can't we also have FOSS infrastructure? It is my belief, and if you value technology and its future then it should be yours too, that the government should take back internet infrastructure, distribute it to everyone indiscriminately, and use tax money to fund its upkeep and development. That way, if someone wants internet connection, they have the RIGHT to access it free of charge. If somebody wants to setup a landline in their house, they won't need to pay monthly in order to use it. If you like this, or agree with this, share it around. Write your own versions of it with your own ideas and share it. Spread the word. Contact your local politicians and tell them what you want. Contact your state senators and explain how important this is, because it is.