September 16th, 2023
Just got home from work and boy am I tired. Last night I watched a video one of my friends posted on Youtube showcasing how work was this summer, and I have to say, it was pretty awesome ;) Dare I say I even got a little emotional o-o I'll link it if you want to check it out, it's a good video. Watching that though really makes me want to start making my own videos for Youtube, but I have no idea what to do. I never get to hang out with my friends anymore, other than work, so I can't really make videos based on that. I'm also not very entertaining once the camera comes on, I get all jittery and awkward, or I'll be more focused on the act of recording over the content of what I'm recording. But at some point, I'm going to try, and when I do, you bet I'll be posting about it here.
I've been watching a lot of Sam Hyde lately and I gotta say, he's a pretty funny guy. A lot of people just right him off as some racist or misogynist, but if you spend any time at all watching his stuff, you'll realize it's 100% true. Just kidding, it's all so obviously done as a joke, but I suppose there's just some things you're not allowed to joke about now. I highly recommend watching MDE World Peace, especially if you were ever a fan of Filthy Frank or Idubbbz, no matter how much your views have changed since then. The whole show is on the Pirate Bay and is 100% worth torrenting.
Speaking of the Pirate Bay, not sure if I should be openly admitting this or not but I've been torrenting a lot lately. It's a really really cool way of distributing files. WARNING NERD SHIT AHEAD. Imagine there's 10 people who have all torrented One Piece. Since those people still have the files on their computers, they can choose to contribute a small bit of their internet to uploading bits of the files for other people to download. So even if one person disconnects, people can still download from the other nine. Of course this has some setbacks (like if nobody decides to contribute then nobody gets to download the file) but I always have a huge admiration for systems like this when I find them. Internet systems that run entirely off of volunteers helping each other out, and yet it doesn't collapse. It really is a beautiful thing. If that sounds like something you're into, try torrenting some stuff. Maybe not newly released movies or games or anything like that, but if there's a game or something out there that is impossible to legally buy anymore (pretty much any retro game) then torrenting it is 100% okay in my book, and if you get in trouble for it you can blame me.
I hear a lot of people these days voicing their opinion on topics that I don't believe they've fully researched, yet they present it as if their stance is morally superior. Like torrenting for example. Yes, in some cases torrenting can be considered stealing, but I believe that in mose cases it is a net positive overall. Say a friend buys a PC game on disc, makes a copy of the disc, and then gives it to me. Technically that is piracy, but in my opinion it's a perfectly okay thing to do, but maybe that's just me. Another example though would be internet privacy, or privacy in general. This has been a hot topic since the Patriot Act, so it's not very surprising that people have gotten used to being surveiled and spied on all of the time, but they shouldn't be! A SOCIAL MEDIA site has absolutely no right to know your geographic location, or what website you were just on, or even something as simple as your device's orientation. I'm going to link something that goes into far more detail than I'm willing to go into about it, and I highly recommend you read all of it. It's an amazing writing, and there are a lot of people that stand to gain from reading it. Anyway though, I'm working on making the main blog page look better, so look forward to that! Later >:)