September 27th, 2023

Boy oh boy are there a LOT of topics I want to talk about. I'll refrain from dumping them here all at once, but I've got quite the backlog of ideas now ;) Most of my days now are taken up by school and building a chicken coop. Oh yeah, did I mention I started building one? I conveniently got some free wood so I officially started slapping it together with some nails, and I must say, it's coming out quite nice so far. I wish I could upload my own pictures now, but that would take up way too much of my space on the server. Which leads me to my next big project idea. I want to start up my very own dedicated server that I can use for all sorts of server-related things (mostly for hosting my images though). In case you're unfamiliar with Neocities, the site only allows free members 1Gb of data for your website, which is a LOT when it's just text, but can easily be reached if you add images (or god forbid a video or two) to your site. However, if I start up a dedicated server to host all of my images, I don't have to worry about the data limit, since I can just link my images from there. At that point though, why not just start my own website and completely separate from Neocities? Well so long as I'm on here, I'll at least get some people to look at my stuff. If I just completely go out on my own, I doubt anyone would ever find it.

But yeah, I've been taking Network Plus for a week or two now, and I'm learning a LOT about networking, so it's making me want to start experimenting with my own home network and see if I can't do anything cool/fancy with it. Right now my PC uses ethernet over powerline, which is a really cool technology I didn't even know existed a year ago, but it also suffers from random drops and should really only be used if it's the ONLY option. That said, I'd like to try running some ethernet cables into my room so I can have a proper connection. I also learned that data being transferred through cables in real-time can collide with other data if managed improperly, and using devices like switches and access points help remove some of that overhead, which can insanely increase your bandwith. I could sit here for the next hour and talk about cool network stuff, but I'll refrain for now. Until next time >:)